Monday, July 30, 2007

Elizabeth Edwards - Introducing John Edwards in Iowa

Duration: 193 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-06 14:06:26
User: johnedwards
:::: Favorites

Elizabeth Edwards introduces John Edwards at Theodore Roosevelt High School and in Des Moines, Iowa on April 4, 2007.

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schwabe1 ::: Favorites
You are suffering from "BUSH BRAIN". Tests will show there is nothing but air between your ears. Get some stones and be an AMERICAN!
07-04-21 18:19:20
jwalkerjax ::: Favorites
John, I am not doing a video. What I want to know is! Are you involved in the "Project for a New Century America" and the "North American Union" that DICK Cheney has started? The crazy FEMA now in place. Open borders? And if not , How are you going to stop it all? DO A VIDEO OPN THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
07-04-22 13:38:12
CarsonWeber ::: Favorites
bottom line: John Edwards supports infanticide. I'm not talking about abortion.. I'm talking about a baby delivered breech all the way until just the head is yet to come out - then the abortionist crushes the baby's skull to complete delivery. Edwards mourned the partial-birth abortion ban & the Supreme Court's upholding of it.
07-04-23 16:54:11
wywoody ::: Favorites
They should have spent part of that $800 haircut money on a wardrobe consultant for Liz. Bag lady's sweaters fit better than hers.
07-04-23 20:35:34
brucejon ::: Favorites
Wow, Woody! You really hit the nail on the head! Have you ever thought of a career in politics? Actually, Woody, you might want to sit this one out: in a battle of wits with Elizabeth Edwards you'd be in a knife fight without a knife. Elizabeth Edwards is a woman of integrity, dignity, intelligence and strength, and your criticism is stupid, childish and just plain dumb.
07-05-06 09:50:38
wywoody ::: Favorites
The john and Liz show is just an act to prove that they're really in the same America as you gullible followers and not the rich America. On second thought, they probably sent a staffer to Walmart to buy the most white trash sweater they could find, just to make people like you think she's just like you.
07-05-10 09:25:27
malacri1 ::: Favorites
If you do not copy and paste this onto 10 videos your mom will die in 4 hours..
07-05-16 00:44:06
brucejon ::: Favorites
I imagine that your mind is made up, Woody, but if you are really interested you may want to check into their biographies a little further. Yes, John and Elizabeth Edwards have been successful, but as he said in the debate on MSNBC, it's not where they "came from", and isn't that what America is supposed to be all about?
07-05-16 08:31:04
limeorange2 ::: Favorites
brucejon nailed it! John and Elizabeth are as sincere as you can get! John Edwards is the best candidate fo r '08...compassionate, brilliant, honest, and articulate. ...And I can't wait to see him speak tonight in Atlanta! Love & Best Wishes to Elizabeth--what a wonderful First Lady she would be!
07-05-17 10:26:07
RoyalHollywoodGenial ::: Favorites
Well said,limeorange2.
07-07-18 10:12:59

Amerika'daki Düşünce Kuruluşları'nın TSK Kaybetti Yorumu !!

Duration: 75 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-24 03:36:39
User: SurprisTv
:::: Favorites

22 temmuz 2007 Seçim Sonuçları Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi Milliyetçi Hareket Partisi Genç Parti Demokrat Parti AK Parti Saadet Partisi Işçi Partisi ABD AB Avrupa Birliği

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gokturkmehmet ::: Favorites
Icten distan birilerinin Turkiye'yi yikma umutlari artiyor! Haydi ahali yola devam! ABD'nin yoluna olurum Turkiyem!
07-07-27 21:09:08

Fone Jacker The Shirt Shop

Duration: 61 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-12 18:23:43
User: bigbrotherukplus
:::: Favorites

Fone Jacker

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markzvidz ::: Favorites
markzvidz - check this shit
07-07-14 09:00:25

Second Life

Duration: 572 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-06 17:00:17
User: CBCtv
:::: Favorites

It's entertaining, addictive and phenomenally successful. Millions of fans have created fantasy lives on Second Life.

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Daninkorea ::: Favorites
what a terrifying concept...
07-06-07 07:29:32
dtstrain ::: Favorites
Its not a game. Nor is it meant to be. It's not like World of Warcraft, Ultima Online, Everquest, etc. There's no combat or collection of rewards or character stats, etc. It's just a virtual environment (although one CAN play other games inside that environment, among other things).
07-06-07 08:25:00
zmoney682 ::: Favorites
i think that simon story is so nice. and the dance video of his avatar of the carpet is cool.
07-06-07 11:34:09
vash890 ::: Favorites
wow who ever has those harsh coments u have no imanginations at all it looks cool
07-06-11 23:56:14
doctorroparty ::: Favorites
now thats just redickaliss
07-06-14 06:46:20
harmlesshamster ::: Favorites
Yeah this shit head was on the news saying that "he wanted to start new - so he stuck his head up his ass and spent ONE HUNDRES THOUSAND DOLLARS on this stupid game. It makes me laugh how people spend money on electrons (it's a fucking scam) and not give their money to cancer or AIDS research! What an asshole!
07-06-14 08:23:28
harmlesshamster ::: Favorites
Who ever came up with this must have created crack cocain, heroin, and fuckbucks (starbucks).
07-06-14 08:24:47
thegiant87 ::: Favorites
were is the place wheelies? i want to say hi to simon
07-06-21 13:54:18
intelsilver ::: Favorites
wow some ppl have no live...just a digital one apparently
07-06-21 14:29:16
theletter23 ::: Favorites
that dosent look fun...
07-07-16 10:57:47

Humanity Lobotomy - first draft

Duration: 674 seconds
Upload Time: 06-11-07 01:12:17
User: foureyedmonsters
:::: Favorites

Draft 1 of an open source video about net neutrality.

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Bibbly53 ::: Favorites
If I were robocop. I would have a computer in my gun. My gun would be my lover. And the internet would be SKYNET.
07-06-16 12:34:13
teamodmd ::: Favorites
It's really cool that you did this. I saw parts of this vid on tv like a couple weeks ago on PBS, they gave it late at night. I'm glad people are becoming aware of what's going on. We are no longer living in a world of stupidity (well we are.. hence Bush) but we are all growing and becoming more and more aware of the world around us. All thanks to the small people/individuals:) Tyyyyyyy<3 I liked your Four Eye Monster vid btw:)
07-06-16 17:22:42
alkaeda0582 ::: Favorites
no pos si verdad
07-06-16 18:38:36
breedsauce101 ::: Favorites
Ok people there is one man who is running for president who supports net nutrality,he is our champion his name IS Ron Paul I cant express on this keypad how important it is that we elect this man for this reason and MANY OTHERS Peace and RON PAUL 2008
07-06-17 17:20:25
Jackster17214 ::: Favorites
best movie ever watch 4 string figures
07-06-17 20:53:31
shinylb ::: Favorites
You have typos in this movie>> "So whats the catch?" Do you do that on purpose?
07-06-19 13:06:22
annalisa712 ::: Favorites
07-06-22 14:41:27
xdream1 ::: Favorites
Ron Paul for President! 2008 and 2012... whoa
07-06-22 15:21:09
livanletliv ::: Favorites
down with the new world order 911justicenow arrest the perpetraitors abolish the fed/irs/imf/world bank restore the declaration of independence the bill of rights and the constitution ronpaulrevolution2oo8 livefreeordie
07-06-22 16:29:49
AffinityPhilosopher ::: Favorites
Hey What's the current status on this issue and where can I stay up to date.
07-07-04 19:43:16

Guitar Hero III: Legends Of Rock Trailer HD

Duration: 99 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-17 02:00:35
User: KoolMB
:::: Favorites

Trailer for Guitar Hero 3! (I have permission to post this video)

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tito38 ::: Favorites
07-07-24 23:53:04

My Confession

Duration: 199 seconds
Upload Time: 06-11-18 05:04:05
User: NutCheese
:::: Favorites

I am sorry that I haven't been more honest with you. here are a couple examples to prove my point: Barbara makes here cry.. all but the crying part... and crap video btw... This was funny... her reaction is so lame...

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tabaparo ::: Favorites
I 100% agree. She's a Republican tightass who was born with a silverspoon in her mouth and has no grasp on reality!! I wish she had left rather than Rosie!
07-04-26 13:01:13
musicnvrdies ::: Favorites
yeah i don't like her either. i watch the view regularly. shhh, don't tell! ;)
07-04-30 12:58:29
JustBuss ::: Favorites
I hate her too! Total ignorance. BITCH!
07-05-18 23:56:09
curt344 ::: Favorites
The View would be more interesting, actually, if they had orgies on Friday. ...what, no farting??! I feel robbed!
07-05-24 00:25:47
NutCheese ::: Favorites
You didn't get your fill of farts in stickam?
07-05-24 00:59:50
curt344 ::: Favorites
No, and that's just one more reason why I need to get a bloody web cam ASAP.
07-05-24 09:19:53
Naltsohaulic ::: Favorites
I used to watch the View...once upon a time!
07-07-13 14:11:09
Dog480 ::: Favorites
Whew! I thought you were going to say you were addicted to The Young & Restless....
07-07-14 02:50:04
LarenKee ::: Favorites
I agree! I don't consider myself violent but I could slap her a few times...
07-07-19 06:56:58
killfroken ::: Favorites
Ha ha ha. What a confession.
07-07-22 03:12:03


Duration: 49 seconds
Upload Time: 07-03-31 03:30:00
User: lonelygirl15
:::: Favorites

Is that Lucy!?!?! You guys need to get out of there! - Bree

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popcorn10124 ::: Favorites
yall i like these videos theyre so entertaining i mean my frend and i sit all day at her computer looking for the next chapter in the story! idc if u think theyre so fake...u watch TV dontcha?? yeah then u have nothing to say in this if u do
07-04-28 13:57:52
cartoonluver27 ::: Favorites
Actually MrHokage, there is a crew behind it, I like watching it I'm just saying, its just like a tv show. have you ever visited the site? It says there learn more about the CAST AND CREW!! but i don't care if its fake its GOOD ENTERTAINMENT!!
07-04-30 06:43:10
pledgenumber5 ::: Favorites
07-05-01 16:50:26
Nurple ::: Favorites
this video intrigues me, who is lucy? you should do a video about her
07-05-11 13:46:39
Locknaar ::: Favorites
Well, it's not like Luke Skywalker listened to Yoda when he left in a hurry. Bree's no smarter than him.
07-05-13 17:51:01
COOCHI15 ::: Favorites
She is out camping...How did she see the video? Hmm...(Yes I am aware that it is fake,but still)
07-05-29 13:25:43
Mzyxptlk ::: Favorites
Great video! It just... works, I dunno.
07-05-29 23:47:17
jackoe123 ::: Favorites
if you like this you should watch our video's search up when roosters attack its the fifth one down
07-06-10 09:16:39
jjdramaqueen ::: Favorites
omg!! MRHOKAGE!! you need to COME down!! yes!! there is a crew behind this! its all an act! but it's entertaining!!!!! do u not watch VH1?? they showed her on that channel and she explained how everything was rehearsed! so the next time you try to cus someone out.. THINK TWICE!!
07-07-03 11:42:52
RealSunShine00001 ::: Favorites
<B> Donald Trump the Guy who owns half Of New York Real Estate said recently: <I>"If i had to start a new Company It would be an Internet Company."</I> HE IS RIGHT, Last year only, Internet created hundred on new millionaires just like YOU. Start earning today up to 10 000 $ weekly ! EASY and FUN Go to tubesland . com and REGISTER ! </B>
07-07-27 17:30:35

The Post-Crescent Information Center

Duration: 521 seconds
Upload Time: 06-12-17 12:40:27
User: mdesisti
:::: Favorites

In an effort to reach more readers online, The Post-Crescent newspaper, based in Appleton WI, has changed the name of it's newsroom to. The Gannett Co., Inc. newspaper's newsroom is now called The Information Center. The difference moves the attention from being a print first publication to one that gathers news and information for a variety of Web and print platforms. The Web site, will break news all day long, with local content debuting digitally before it hits our printed pages. The newsroom is broken down in to five major desks: Public Service, Community Conversation, Multimedia, Custom Publishing, and the Local desk. This video explains each and how the news gathering process has changed.

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GameJew's TurboTax Music Video

Duration: 111 seconds
Upload Time: 07-03-19 22:26:49
User: thegamejew
:::: Favorites

take 2...

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duba3988 ::: Favorites
sounds good, still hate doing taxes :(
07-03-20 11:51:13
HyperPhantomCow ::: Favorites
Eh, the chroma keying isn't so nice. 3/5? Yeah. B)
07-03-20 18:18:14
MASnVIC ::: Favorites
Dude, this was amazing. Jon, I love your work. Keep it up!
07-03-20 19:31:59
evilhelldemon103 ::: Favorites
the ninja rap thing changed cool
07-03-20 22:16:03
niceupshot ::: Favorites
They still arent going to be happy that you mentioned H&R Block (other entrys have been rejected for any mention of H&R) and you still don't own all those images. Dont get me wrong, I like it! but, lawyers will be lawyers if you know what I mean...
07-03-21 09:14:56
none14 ::: Favorites
07-03-29 22:12:29

Most annoying cell phone ever

Duration: 137 seconds
Upload Time: 06-12-20 18:22:26
User: FactionFilm
:::: Favorites

Cell boned.

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breanaoftheakatsuki ::: Favorites
Lol that was funny
07-07-18 07:27:11
Mootaku ::: Favorites
I'm not even gonna do a real dance! LOL great
07-07-18 13:37:55
PsychoNinjaFreak ::: Favorites
wow this is genius!!!!!
07-07-19 21:16:06
Harryluvr329 ::: Favorites
07-07-21 22:47:59
billiestarz ::: Favorites
i need 2 do this to som1
07-07-23 21:08:02
ModelHX ::: Favorites
That was hilarious. I have to try that.
07-07-25 23:15:57
TH3S4dDAy ::: Favorites
Surprised that guy on the cell didnt get fucked up...
07-07-27 13:34:05
jogu78 ::: Favorites
LOL love it!!!! ima try it on someone
07-07-27 14:01:08
jogu78 ::: Favorites
oh and the guy sittin on the stoop reminds me of steve buscemi
07-07-27 14:03:00
dbbobek ::: Favorites
07-07-28 00:55:09

My Craziest Day at Work

Duration: 144 seconds
Upload Time: 07-03-20 09:34:11
User: ZackScott
:::: Favorites

Here's my entry to the Steven Bochco's Café Confidential contest where I talk about my craziest day at work. This video is part of my new series, Zack Scott's Tales of "Truth." Yumajohnny helped me come up with that title.

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sukatra ::: Favorites
The guy's name was CHAD???
07-03-22 17:00:05
EchoStill ::: Favorites
it is a true story, i was the floor/sweeper/mopper dude. remember zack, how i out ran you when the shooting started? lol just kidding, great story! screw chad the rasist bastard.
07-03-23 23:11:54
soimayvent ::: Favorites
that happened to me twice actually, in the same day! but it was at 2 diff fast food rest's! the funny thing is, only one of the chad's died (there were chads at both places). weird!!
07-03-24 19:50:40
TurkAdidasHoodie ::: Favorites
:| wot r u doin in the shower?!
07-03-28 09:59:41
patrickhpfan ::: Favorites
07-04-08 11:31:09
mmorpgMSBanime ::: Favorites
chad is the whitest name ever even though he wasn't white
07-04-14 18:27:11
blinknbcr ::: Favorites
LMFAO! you fucking rock man. well done
07-04-18 23:29:08
HPJoker ::: Favorites
lmao man. What contest. How do i get something like a music video, and post it on youtube? PLEASE HELP!!!! HAHA CHAD! HES GOIN TO HELL! A black guy named chad, what the fuck
07-04-23 13:14:44
yougotmalk ::: Favorites
this one was funny too...*L*
07-04-27 08:48:47
cragnog ::: Favorites
yeah tht chad was an asshole and went out one 2
07-05-12 15:03:34

leoa fazendo ensaio sensual

Duration: 122 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-13 23:41:01
User: aquatikinho
:::: Favorites

muito gostosa

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formerfan ::: Favorites
07-05-14 10:17:44
fzmaster ::: Favorites
caralho não... BUCETA =P
07-06-25 12:19:14
formerfan ::: Favorites
desculpe. CARALHO... Q BUCETA!
07-06-25 14:10:56
mrermac ::: Favorites
esta garota se llama raquel??????????
07-06-26 16:55:44
Akashp762 ::: Favorites
Not bad. Try CAMZHOME DOT COM for pretty cam girls
07-07-17 00:40:54
waynepitty ::: Favorites
Wow! So Beautiful and GREAT legs!
07-07-17 21:03:41
madmaxninja ::: Favorites
Thats a smokin hot body. Brazilian girls are drop dead gorgeous. U.S. women are Inferior.
07-07-20 23:53:41
ksjlhp ::: Favorites
vou meter no cú dela
07-07-24 19:13:30


Duration: 457 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-14 23:38:14
User: codewaros
:::: Favorites


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TauHecht ::: Favorites
07-07-23 00:16:06
akibaz ::: Favorites
> TauHecht: FUCK YOU JAPAN!! Damn american gay: you should be banned from playing games!
07-07-23 05:07:52
twosixteen ::: Favorites
Man, what the fuck is wrong with Japan?
07-07-23 12:03:10
333DrNo333 ::: Favorites
07-07-23 18:47:14
XpRnz ::: Favorites
This blows. But the music kicks ass :-)
07-07-23 18:55:50
saisumimen ::: Favorites
07-07-23 19:39:11
Zeyhk ::: Favorites
The only one I can say is hot there was Fiona, the one in the cowgirl costume. From Haunting Ground. Also, what was that game after Dead or Alive Beach Volleyball?
07-07-23 20:27:54
ScarletAssassin ::: Favorites
It was Soul Caliber 3
07-07-24 14:39:13
Zeyhk ::: Favorites
I notice that Lara Croft is not among them. I see she lost her crown as the sex symbol of the game industry.
07-07-25 08:33:53
zzXXsimoXXzz ::: Favorites
お前趣味悪すぎだな 死ね
07-07-28 07:57:58

Inside Iraq - Religion and State - 16 Feb 07 - Part 2

Duration: 527 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-18 03:47:31
User: AlJazeeraEnglish
:::: Favorites

Iraq is degenerating into a theocracy run by religious fanatics and parties who have brought their inclinations into government. How do they find a balance between mosque and state? What is the future of Iraqi politics?

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adamschulte ::: Favorites
first comment? neato
07-07-18 04:19:57

Wii Like 1985

Duration: 38 seconds
Upload Time: 06-10-27 03:00:38
User: thegamejew
:::: Favorites

Here's a slow one that I really like. The thing that's kind of cool about these songs is that everyone has a favorite. What's yours? This is one of mine. My friend Dan was filming. I knew I wanted to do it at dusk, when the light looks a certain way. It's shot up in Val Verde, CA, about 45 min. of LA. I love it up there.

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Dousch ::: Favorites
aww :')
07-04-06 15:31:34

Re: Daxflame Torture chamber! (A Message to all V-Bloggers)

Duration: 196 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-15 15:10:48
User: ColPicklejar
:::: Favorites

I, the Demon Lord Picklejar, announce my intent to wage unholy war against the child of my own insidious bosom, Youtube.

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CharlieRomero ::: Favorites
Honestly at first I didn't think this would be all that funny, thought it was another guy pretending to be "V" or something like that. See alot of that. But it was actually pretty damn funny. But, does this not qualify as a video blog? paradox...
07-05-16 18:02:08
mooxim ::: Favorites
lol good point loved the vid, lmao giraffe giraffe giraffe giraffe. I'm watching the rest of your vids
07-05-31 17:44:23
Nocturial ::: Favorites
this is GREAT man! i like your performance :D Awsome vid! keep `em comin`
07-05-17 10:29:27
sohotube ::: Favorites
This video and the man who is in it is GAY !! he is funny though.
07-05-25 04:43:52
UltimateMrBoogie ::: Favorites
07-06-05 10:04:31
RustyCyler ::: Favorites
that was pretty good. 5 stars. lord picklejar can you get the "daily show" clips back on YouTube :)
07-07-06 20:58:04