Monday, July 30, 2007

Elizabeth Edwards - Introducing John Edwards in Iowa

Duration: 193 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-06 14:06:26
User: johnedwards
:::: Favorites

Elizabeth Edwards introduces John Edwards at Theodore Roosevelt High School and in Des Moines, Iowa on April 4, 2007.

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schwabe1 ::: Favorites
You are suffering from "BUSH BRAIN". Tests will show there is nothing but air between your ears. Get some stones and be an AMERICAN!
07-04-21 18:19:20
jwalkerjax ::: Favorites
John, I am not doing a video. What I want to know is! Are you involved in the "Project for a New Century America" and the "North American Union" that DICK Cheney has started? The crazy FEMA now in place. Open borders? And if not , How are you going to stop it all? DO A VIDEO OPN THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
07-04-22 13:38:12
CarsonWeber ::: Favorites
bottom line: John Edwards supports infanticide. I'm not talking about abortion.. I'm talking about a baby delivered breech all the way until just the head is yet to come out - then the abortionist crushes the baby's skull to complete delivery. Edwards mourned the partial-birth abortion ban & the Supreme Court's upholding of it.
07-04-23 16:54:11
wywoody ::: Favorites
They should have spent part of that $800 haircut money on a wardrobe consultant for Liz. Bag lady's sweaters fit better than hers.
07-04-23 20:35:34
brucejon ::: Favorites
Wow, Woody! You really hit the nail on the head! Have you ever thought of a career in politics? Actually, Woody, you might want to sit this one out: in a battle of wits with Elizabeth Edwards you'd be in a knife fight without a knife. Elizabeth Edwards is a woman of integrity, dignity, intelligence and strength, and your criticism is stupid, childish and just plain dumb.
07-05-06 09:50:38
wywoody ::: Favorites
The john and Liz show is just an act to prove that they're really in the same America as you gullible followers and not the rich America. On second thought, they probably sent a staffer to Walmart to buy the most white trash sweater they could find, just to make people like you think she's just like you.
07-05-10 09:25:27
malacri1 ::: Favorites
If you do not copy and paste this onto 10 videos your mom will die in 4 hours..
07-05-16 00:44:06
brucejon ::: Favorites
I imagine that your mind is made up, Woody, but if you are really interested you may want to check into their biographies a little further. Yes, John and Elizabeth Edwards have been successful, but as he said in the debate on MSNBC, it's not where they "came from", and isn't that what America is supposed to be all about?
07-05-16 08:31:04
limeorange2 ::: Favorites
brucejon nailed it! John and Elizabeth are as sincere as you can get! John Edwards is the best candidate fo r '08...compassionate, brilliant, honest, and articulate. ...And I can't wait to see him speak tonight in Atlanta! Love & Best Wishes to Elizabeth--what a wonderful First Lady she would be!
07-05-17 10:26:07
RoyalHollywoodGenial ::: Favorites
Well said,limeorange2.
07-07-18 10:12:59

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