Friday, August 24, 2007

Re: Prehistoric Shark Appears Off Japan

Duration: 06:06 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-25 23:39:34
User: JohnnieTV
:::: Favorites

JohnnieTV Reply's

hope315 ::: Favorites
ummm fish why are you trying to trash youtube with porn
07-08-02 14:24:20
juliangabrielgarciar ::: Favorites
cut it off! he has some...good editing.
07-03-08 17:37:08
biologicalexperiment ::: Favorites
What does this have to do with the shark? I don't think anything. Someone needs attention.
07-03-06 01:01:55
crystalrspencer ::: Favorites
johnny is a LOSER.... Stop drinking and for god sakes STOP MAKING LAME STUPID VIDEOS.
07-03-04 03:01:22
supermarketfire ::: Favorites
not good
07-02-22 12:32:12
space197 ::: Favorites
07-02-18 14:52:09
bunfaiflauder ::: Favorites
Poor loser, you're not only a stupid guy (very US), but you don't know a shit about filming, check your lights! idiotic shit brain. sad, sad, sad... poor loser with that mongoloid mumbling. Learn to talk first, or quit drinking
07-02-15 12:37:42
bunfaiflauder ::: Favorites
Poor loser, you're not only a stupid guy (very US), but you don't know a shit about filming, check your lights! idiotic shit brain. sad, sad, sad... poor loser with that mongoloid mumbling. Learn to talk first, or quit drinking
07-02-15 12:37:19
bunfaiflauder ::: Favorites
Poor loser, you're not only a stupid guy (very US), but you don't know a shit about filming, check your lights! idiotic shit brain. sad, sad, sad... poor loser with that mongoloid mumbling. Learn to talk first, or quit drinking
07-02-15 12:30:05
Iberiano25 ::: Favorites
What is the purpose of this?
07-02-04 20:09:01
omgzzgmo ::: Favorites
im sick and tired of this stuff happening. you guys need to die, seriously. this has nothing to do with it. get a life.
07-02-01 20:52:45
Sculpher ::: Favorites
Spam video. V. poor.
07-02-01 03:44:30
oliverthorn ::: Favorites
wtf has this got to do with that shark?
07-01-31 05:00:16
KingSatyr ::: Favorites
07-01-28 06:32:32
Skewballzz ::: Favorites
Hell yeah johnny, get a myspace!
07-01-26 21:40:14
DeAnnya ::: Favorites
"shit" <giggles>
07-01-26 14:19:09

1-1 Zelão - Corinthians vs São Paulo [Brasileirão 2007]

Duration: 00:56 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-14 21:55:03
User: alisonlhp1910
:::: Favorites
Description: 1-1 Zelão - Corinthians vs São Paulo [Brasileirão 2007]

Mottimozinho ::: Favorites
Mais uma vez a bicharada mostrou seu talento pra fazer a linha burra de impedimento!!! Dá-lhe Timão
07-08-23 15:29:06
ocaralhoaquatro ::: Favorites
1 mundial de verdade (2000) 1 pequena taça do mundo 4 brasileiros 5 torneios rio- sao paulo 2 copas do brasil 25 paulistas alem de ganhar do barcelona 3 vezes empatar com o real madrid.. TER A MAIOR TORCIDA DO BRASIL e ser invejado por todos ;) so digo uma coisa..CHORA BAMBIII
07-08-04 23:17:24
vitaoma ::: Favorites
Zelãaaaaooo hahahah chora bambi! Vai Corinthians!
07-07-21 01:14:39
golaco0123456789 ::: Favorites
da uma olhado no curriculo !! 3 Mundiais Interclubes 3 Copas Libertadores da América 2 Recopas Sul-Americanas 1 Supercopa da Libertadores 1 Copa Conmebol 4 Campeonatos Brasileiros 1 Torneio Rio-São Paulo 20 Campeonatos Paulistas Que mais ?? tri campeao !! tri campeao !! agora eu pergunto..alguem conhece Zelao ?? galinha fiel e fregues !!! chupa galinha!!
07-07-17 06:07:59
golaco0123456789 ::: Favorites
da uma olhado no curriculo !! 3 Mundiais Interclubes (1992, 1993 e 2005) 3 Copas Libertadores da América (1992, 1993 e 2005) 2 Recopas Sul-Americanas (1993 e 1994) 1 Supercopa da Libertadores (1993) 1 Copa Conmebol (1994) 4 Campeonatos Brasileiros (1977, 1986, 1991 e 2006) 1 Torneio Rio-São Paulo (2001) 20 Campeonatos Paulistas (1943, 1945, 1946, 1948, 1949, 1953, 1957, 1970, 1971, 1975, 1980, 1981, 1985, 1987, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1998, 2000 e 2005)
07-07-17 06:04:08
arantes1970 ::: Favorites
É bambizada, depois desses números ae... quem é freguês hein ? Chupa seus pau no cu
07-07-16 22:31:55
blankasp ::: Favorites
Disputas diretas(mata-mata) entre CORINTHIANS e SPFC =17 Vitórias do Corinthians: 11/Vitórias do S. Paulo: 6 Disputas diretas(mata-mata) no século XXI = 3 Vitórias do Corinthians: 3 /Vitórias do S. Paulo: 0 Disputas diretas(mata-mata) num mesmo ANO(2002) = 2 Vitórias do Corinthians: 2 / Vitórias do S. Paulo: 0 Decisões de títulos no século XXI = 2 Vitórias do Corinthians: 2 / Vitórias do S. Paulo: 0 CONFRONTO DIRETO
07-07-16 19:05:42
blankasp ::: Favorites
Vitórias do Corinthians: 104 / Vitórias do S. Paulo: 88 SEM MAIS.
07-07-16 19:06:53
andredalberto ::: Favorites
ja perdi as contas de quantas caixas de cerveja ja ganhei em cima das barbier que axam q vai ganha do quase abrindo uma distribuidora de cerveja de tanta cerveja q eu ganho de vcs!! e repito: A FREGUESIA SE MANTEM!!
07-07-16 18:24:29
andredalberto ::: Favorites
07-07-16 01:28:51
DgLhp ::: Favorites
a bicharada é foda!!! tiveram mó sorte e ainda vem pagar pau pra nóis....chupa bambi lixo!!!! vai estudar sua história que vcs só conhecem de 90 pra cá ..antes disso a bicharada não existe....e mesmo assim em confronto direto vcs não chegam aos nossos pés... VAI SE INFORMAR SEU BANDO DE GAZELA..RSRSRSRS
07-07-16 13:41:26
andredalberto ::: Favorites
GAMBIXAS!!! TAO COMEMORANDO EMPATEEE Q EU SEI demo sorte nada...seu time q eh uma bosta e nao tem capacidade de fazer gol!! tanto q tomo o primeiro!! agora time de nivel spfc (com libertadores e mundial) empata com um time de nivel das barbies (mundialito de verao) eh mta sacanagem!! eh revoltante empata com um time desse!!
07-07-16 18:24:09
golaco0123456789 ::: Favorites
quen e zelao ?? alguen conhece? Galinha fiel teve sorte !!continua sendo fregues ! 4-3-3
07-07-15 14:26:43
AlanCormack ::: Favorites
bambizada teve sorte..pqp
07-07-15 12:28:18
blankasp ::: Favorites
07-07-15 00:44:04
guilhermegctimao ::: Favorites
Zelão é o nome da fera
07-07-14 23:12:13

Re: Ice Storm

Duration: 06:58 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-16 18:51:10
User: JohnnieTV
:::: Favorites

JohnnieTV Reply's

iamchas ::: Favorites
Good stuff- Blood Sweat & Tears. I thought I was one of the few people that liked them. I guess because I am old. LMAO
07-01-16 23:37:40
polarwhite ::: Favorites
keep um comin Johnnie!!!
07-01-16 23:27:44
carouselqueenmi ::: Favorites
Spinning wheel got to go round...just like Johnnies shirt has to come off!
07-01-16 22:59:34
lonelyfag15 ::: Favorites
1nce i get a job and credit cards and stuff like that ill send some money for sure
07-01-16 19:50:38
lonelyfag15 ::: Favorites
i think you got the biggest heart :D, hey whats that 10,000 miles stuff?
07-01-16 19:49:44
DeAnnya ::: Favorites
DeAnnya says HI
07-01-16 19:32:56

JohnnieTV 12/6/06

Duration: 06:29 minutes
Upload Time: 06-12-07 03:22:55
User: JohnnieTV
:::: Favorites

too hot, too sexy , too miss day 3

spencerdelacey ::: Favorites
Just a question, those traffic circles, are they roundabouts? i heard you dont have those in America??
06-12-11 20:02:58
Piety ::: Favorites
Hey, good vids. Just be sure you keep making them. The only suggestion I have, is to just write down what you want to talk about before you make a video. That way you don't get stuck in the middle of a video with nothing to say.
06-12-10 08:04:52

Copa América - Argentina 3-0 Mexico Cuartos de Final Resumen

Duration: 07:26 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-12 00:52:20
User: alisonlhp1910
:::: Favorites
Description: Copa América - Argentina 3-0 Mexico Cuartos de Final Resumen

bublegumjp ::: Favorites
YA GANO BRASIL!!!!!!!!!!! LOS APLASTO CON UN 3- 0 JAJAJAJAJA (y era el equipo B de Brasil!!!!) recuerdan el inicio de la copa? MEXICO 2-0 BRASIL!!! VIVA MEXICO Y BRASIL LOS 2 MEJORES Y ARGENTINOS.. LLOREN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJ
07-07-15 21:22:21
LUZBELIT0 ::: Favorites
jajajajajaja te rompiomos el culo en el sub tambien jajajaja que triste hinchando por los macacos
07-07-20 13:38:21
nitroskatex ::: Favorites
cada vez son mas los argentinos que vienen a pedir algo ahora ya no solo son las prostitutas y los empleados tambien ya vino su presidente kirchner a ver que pide este
07-07-31 05:34:46
chakarrona77 ::: Favorites
ayy si!!!!! me muero de envidia de ser de Hambrientina¡¡¡ jajaja...
07-07-15 05:00:02
chakarrona77 ::: Favorites
ojala Brasil hubiera traido a sus jugadores estrellas para callarles la boca estos ambrientinos muertos de hambre
07-07-14 01:35:23
polish72 ::: Favorites
y ojalá usted no sea tan envidiosa ni llorona. Como está jugando Argentina, con todas sus estrellas... hoy por hoy pasea hasta al Brasil de Ronaldinho y compañia... no vió lo que jugó en el mundial ese Scratch???
07-07-14 04:12:29
chakarrona77 ::: Favorites
ya se creian triunfadores, tan sencillitos ... jajaja
07-07-17 17:37:10
claudiofabri2007 ::: Favorites
OBSERVEN EL VIDEO A LOS 5:09 MIN Y VEAN COMO MARQUEZ SABE QUE HA COMETIDO FALTA, CAMINA RESIGNADO E IMPOTENTE. PARA TODOS LOS MEXICANOS LLORONES QUE DECIAN QUE NO HABIA PENAL. TODOS LOS JUGADORES ACEPTAN LA FALTA Y MARQUEZ NI PIENSA EN RECLAMAR.. La goleada fue con misericordia porque podria haber sido despiadada, el baile que se les pego no pudo ser sino humillante pero eso se lo busco Mexico.
07-07-13 20:22:04
dadexx91 ::: Favorites
q partido!!viste ni el chapulin colorado lo salvo y los jugadores no contaba con su astucia jaja mantenga la espearanza ..ya q no tienen copa america ni d mundial ufff q copa es nuestra!!!! vamos argentina
07-07-12 23:28:19
ketaro17 ::: Favorites
Se la comio Mexico. Argentina siguiente Copa America Champ.
07-07-12 21:53:17
reuven2007 ::: Favorites
Mexico jugo deamasiado bien y no tiene nada de que tener verguenza. Argentina solo tiene mas tradicion y un poco de mas talento. Quando le ganemos a Brasil podemos festejar porque ese juego sera la mejor del anio..........
07-07-12 16:11:40
LUZBELIT0 ::: Favorites
un poco mas de talento? jajajaja un baile se comieron jajajaja los volvimosa coger son nuestras putasskjajajaja
07-07-12 21:32:55
ric1989 ::: Favorites
mmmm no Si Mejico hubiese jugado demasiado bien no se hubiesen comido una goleada pzzz
07-07-12 21:43:18
rapagugg ::: Favorites
Yo no se porque se putean siempre en vez de disfrutar al futbol. Que mas queremos Argentina - Brasil el unico clasico a nivel mundial. No existe mejor rivalidad. No nos olvidemos de la historia, Brasil - Argentina siempre fue, es y sera algo especial. Tampoco hay que olvidarse de Urugay, un pais tan chico y siempre le complica la vida a Brasil y Argentina con esa garra charrua, tambien merece aplausos.
07-07-12 15:44:22
laultimasena ::: Favorites
brazuca puto te vamos a cojer...igual ke los indios mexicanos ,entendes mono de mirda..
07-07-12 13:39:29
marcosterere ::: Favorites
jajaaj. Nosotros tenemos otro messi. El kun Aguero, y tambien esta en el mundial sub 20. Ahi vas a ver lo que es un jugador.
07-07-12 13:07:02
marcosterere ::: Favorites
si nos ganan, van decir que nos ganan con el equipo B, si les ganamos, van a decir que les ganamos al equipo B. Ustedes van a poner siempre una excusa. El equipo de brasil es el que esta ahora y punto, no pongan excusas forros putos.
07-07-12 13:05:42
DaianeBrasil ::: Favorites
ustedes son todos bajos!!!vamos ver quien gana..hasta domingo!
07-07-14 20:31:37
LUZBELIT0 ::: Favorites
jajajaja que beun chiste pero 6tenez razon es tuuu messi no el del mundo
07-07-12 12:47:00
jonny1251 ::: Favorites
ya vas a ver, brasilero puto
07-07-12 12:15:11

Anderlecht-Brussels Kampioenenmatch!!!

Duration: 02:40 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-13 06:48:16
User: dries1
:::: Favorites

6-0 winst voor anderlecht. Door het verlies van Genk is Anderlecht voor de 29ste keer kampioen van België!!

jochenswennen ::: Favorites
Fooooorza racing Toch Proficiat ;)
07-05-25 15:11:54
arnolebleu ::: Favorites
anderlecht kamioen olé olé olé en volgen jaar 100 jarig bestaan en 30 keer kamioen!!!
07-05-22 11:23:46
frederik160 ::: Favorites
60 keer kampioen
07-08-12 14:45:32

Jamie Lynn on The Tom Green Show part 1

Duration: 06:17 minutes
Upload Time: 06-12-10 16:25:30
User: TheRealParis
:::: Favorites

Hey yall, I went out to California to visit Tom Green and meet Dr. Drew from love line and some stupid guy who thought he was rocky, this is part 1

punk5oci3ty ::: Favorites
damn shes fuckin annoying hillbilly
07-08-21 12:17:24
Becauseiwasbored ::: Favorites
Baha, tom green sucks though but its funny
07-08-17 04:52:01
LeShapeShifter ::: Favorites
You're not funny, Cynthia. Seriously, you know you're not funny. Wake up. This "comedy" skit is the cure for insomnia.
07-08-08 08:14:43
iBitch91 ::: Favorites
Your cool!! That Dr. guy was an ass..... Big time.
07-08-05 22:34:04
aureleahugebabenj ::: Favorites
Online dating at its best WEBFLINGTODAY dot COM
07-08-05 19:39:39
CubzNBearz ::: Favorites
I feel so so so so so sooo soooooooo sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry for anyone who likes this stupid bitch or even laughed at her. You obviosuly DO NOT know what funny is, and I hope you grow a brain and realize she's fucking retarded, and her little character is the worst thing I have ever heard or seen. I also feel sorry for Tom and Dr. Drew.
07-07-13 20:52:32
FloppyDENO ::: Favorites
FUCKIN IQ of 2!!!!!
07-07-01 17:54:50
thegrimyeaper ::: Favorites
"A wormhole? Huh?!?!"
07-06-22 10:52:57
pete1255 ::: Favorites
1. Fuck! Girl how did you not loose your cool in such a hostile environment? How can one be funny when it's clear that those three motherfuckers conspired against you to sabotage You & your career! Again what a fuckers—I couldn't believe my freaking ears! It was designed specifically to bring ya down. Just look at that blond bitch and his fucking questions.
07-06-17 14:33:35
skwerlfish33 ::: Favorites
its cause shes so fucking stupid
07-06-20 02:00:44
pete1255 ::: Favorites
2. Aren't they supposed to be hospitable & encouraging for their guests especially the ones who begin their careers!? Nasty fucks! Which one of them said something funny- Green?..—What a burn out. You were at least trying—& overall Did much better than either one them would've done in your shoes in that situation? Just fuck those fucking turds Stevie. Stay strong! We love ya !!! :)
07-06-17 14:33:18
Morphine28 ::: Favorites
Tom seems uninterested in you and ignores you to a certain extent. I understand why too, this character is annoying and you are void of any talent. Have you ever considered working in fast food maybe McDonalds?
07-06-01 19:47:54
Jackitreborn ::: Favorites
I broke into laughters when "Jamie Lynn" said, "Instead of eating a potato, you know, a piece of pizza is lighter than a potato. So I am eating a piece of pizza to watch my wieght" LOL PRICLESS!!!!
07-05-21 20:48:10
Mydadsdog ::: Favorites
I suppose they may be a bit pissed off that she remains in character for the whole duration, which is understandable. Perhaps it would have been more interesting if they and the audience could have seen the real Stevie Ryan and not just the character.
07-05-15 18:32:35
saricool23 ::: Favorites
thats little loca guysss .. lol
07-05-12 15:08:43
gettta ::: Favorites
Her character is ok but damn her fans are fucking stupid . dr. drew and tom green were doing the right thing her character only works if the ppl talking to her act like she is for real. For the record dumb redneck is THE easyest character to play if u really think its genius then the only thing that seperates u from a dumb redneck is where you were born
07-05-02 20:53:32
gettta ::: Favorites
lemme restate that i think her character is ok its just the ppl that think its pure genius that i think are stupid. BTW tom greens hillbilly character billy bob was alot better but he refuses to do it for some reason.
07-05-02 21:04:16
fredastaire1 ::: Favorites
Little Loca....
07-04-30 01:51:43
rzarazor25 ::: Favorites
whata dumb slut
07-04-27 23:15:48
lowtecker ::: Favorites
dr. douche>'where would one have' lolololol good for you girl! this is wonderful. snap that bra .
07-04-16 18:46:44

Re: Re: Re: The O.C. Season 4 - My Two Dads (Part 3)

Duration: 06:03 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-07 19:50:36
User: JohnnieTV
:::: Favorites

JohnnieTV Reply's

DeAnnya ::: Favorites
One of my favorite videos.. love the song. Hes singing and dancing. Its all for VargasGirlForever! Whered she go?
07-01-16 00:35:44
kombolasha ::: Favorites
It aint really a DONATION if you're charging me is it!
07-01-13 11:29:12
KingSatyr ::: Favorites
put your shirt back on old man.
07-01-11 07:01:39
iamchas ::: Favorites
Oh oh- Johnnie's been drinking too much coffee again. As always, you rock!
07-01-08 10:12:55
BlankStare87 ::: Favorites
Good job Johnny, Together we'll all get her top off! She is a real beauty
07-01-08 00:25:06
VargasGirlForever ::: Favorites
you guys are tooooo much:-)
07-01-08 02:26:50
BlankStare87 ::: Favorites
lol Hey Elizabeth topless or not he got up to sing and dance for ya. I request.. no, I DEMAND that you get up and sing and dance for him/us/me. I have seen you and your vargas girls. I know you can sing n dance. Now lets see our performance :)
07-01-08 04:06:27
carouselqueenmi ::: Favorites
I hope she joins you in Hollywood Johnnie!
07-01-07 22:09:06
VargasGirlForever ::: Favorites
Holllywood here he commmmmmmmmmes:-) Shirts on Shirts off:-)He's crazzzzzyyyy:-)
07-01-08 02:14:53

Re: Best Shot of the Night

Duration: 02:25 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-06 15:58:54
User: JohnnieTV
:::: Favorites

JohnnieTV Reply's

Sbart22 ::: Favorites
Johnnie is a combo of MR.ED & GOMER PILE~~~HILL-BILLY
07-02-14 09:41:03
iamchas ::: Favorites
Johnnie- you sound tired. Hope you are feeling OK.
07-02-12 15:10:58
Sbart22 ::: Favorites
Johnnie. see a DENTIST
07-02-12 10:19:43
skitch05 ::: Favorites
You are a retard
07-02-11 15:41:48
KingSatyr ::: Favorites
1 star, piece of shit
07-02-11 03:38:59
Legolover64 ::: Favorites
why the suit johhnie?
07-02-06 18:42:26
cluckmoo ::: Favorites
07-02-06 18:21:41
Marchand2 ::: Favorites
LoL Johnnie!! Johnnie!! Johnnie!! funny vid man ..good work my friend~!~!
07-02-06 17:49:18
caseyjo5 ::: Favorites
hey johnnie thanks and awesome video i like those videos of you all dressed up
07-02-06 17:19:22

Re: Bree Phone Home

Duration: 03:06 minutes
Upload Time: 06-12-20 14:23:53
User: JohnnieTV
:::: Favorites

JohnnieTV reply's

iloveutub ::: Favorites
you must not have a job
06-12-20 23:57:14
jessesalinas2007 ::: Favorites
johnnie i wanna see half naked lesbians playing guitar hero.
06-12-20 15:14:03
caseyjocrawford ::: Favorites
The flash cards rock it.Your good lol.
06-12-20 15:11:01

Tuğba Özerk Yastık

Duration: 05:36 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-02 08:05:00
User: ezberim
:::: Favorites

tugba özerk ozerk yastik yastık yeni video klip kilip

thesoad16 ::: Favorites
Ben Bişi demıom Sper Şarkı Süper YOrum TY ezberim
07-08-23 11:04:27
mnkmlk84 ::: Favorites
sözler anlamlı ve yorumda süper yatığın yarısı bennn yarısı sensinnn :) of off off
07-08-22 06:26:52
ezqi09 ::: Favorites
bncede accaip berbat bi sarkı her türlğ sarkıyı gördümde bu kadar berabtını bqörmdm
07-08-21 09:01:34
tamstyler41 ::: Favorites
cook güzel bi sarkii
07-08-21 03:34:16
ziyaorhan ::: Favorites
maymun sıfatını sikiyim senin
07-08-20 14:00:40
Gulcinrock003 ::: Favorites
watch?v=VPV0eWglWAA yorum bekliorum izlein :)
07-08-20 13:32:02
haslly1 ::: Favorites
süper bi sarkı.yastığın yarısı bn yarısı sensin kinyom...
07-08-18 17:36:54
olcaygfb ::: Favorites
neresi igrenc be abi yastıgın yarısı ben yarısı sensin dio su anlama bak be..cok güsel olmus bence süper yani on numara :))
07-08-18 15:39:03
braveheart9819 ::: Favorites
ağzına sağlık
07-08-17 11:02:40
Zaete ::: Favorites
hayatımda dinnedigim en igrenç muziklerden biri!!
07-08-17 04:02:52
PowerDark44 ::: Favorites
sen o zaman hiç dinleme şarkı yaaa :) son zamanların en iyi şarkısını yapmış hatun senin söylediğine bak tabi bu senin kendi düşüncen ama.. çokda umrumda diil yani :)
07-08-18 09:31:51
nevriye ::: Favorites
07-08-16 14:11:12
bektasizm ::: Favorites
Cillop gibi yavru.
07-08-17 01:17:50
yozgatlim6617 ::: Favorites
sarki süper tuga özerk süper KENDISI COK GÜZEL MASALLAH devam böyle .... sarkinin sözleride süpper sarkida pek güzelll =)
07-08-16 08:56:18
tamstyler41 ::: Favorites
tek kelimeyle HARIKA süper yorumlamiss NUMBER ONEE
07-08-14 10:43:19
BoyTheBoy90Tr ::: Favorites
Gerçekten olay klip ve olay şarkı.. Albümndeki tüm şarkılar olay.. Sefalet ve Zar'ı da dinlemenizi tavsiye ediorum.Serdar'ın şarkıları ve Tuğba'nın sesi birleşnce ortaya süper şeyler çkmş ;)
07-08-14 09:18:28
Orkide90 ::: Favorites
Şarkı süper Tuğba Özerk süper Ve klip harika ötesi baska ne denilebilriki
07-08-10 03:52:21
omertsl ::: Favorites
radyoda duymuştum bu şarkıyı ama tuğbanın söylediğini bilmiyordum:)öğrenincede şaşırdım bukadar kaliteli şarkı bulmak zor;) ><<sesi süper o ayrı><<<
07-08-08 09:15:17
ifisan ::: Favorites
ilk defa demiyolar ki :) Yeni diyolar
07-08-08 03:11:43
ibrahimkan07 ::: Favorites
07-08-07 18:56:52

Re: Color X-Ray of an Egg

Duration: 05:17 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-15 22:08:03
User: JohnnieTV
:::: Favorites

JohnnieTV reply's

Bigjohnnywad ::: Favorites this crap?
07-07-19 18:12:13
harper222 ::: Favorites
this is stupid as hell
07-07-17 00:26:56
bllade55 ::: Favorites
fuck you
07-07-16 17:51:47
Blacktentacles ::: Favorites
I have recently flagged every one of your transexual videos. You. Suck. Balls.
07-07-16 15:19:20
AnnyaMoon ::: Favorites
Thankyou for the shoutout!! Your the best johnnie. =) That egg video is cool, its amazing how they do that. hugs, AnnyaMoon
07-07-15 23:53:45
vnpride4life ::: Favorites
wtf? this sucks btw first post
07-07-15 23:03:44


Duration: 03:56 minutes
Upload Time: 06-12-12 14:33:34
User: JohnnieTV
:::: Favorites

Johnnie's Reply

jonnymarijuanaseed ::: Favorites
you need to smoke some weed and think about going back to school i will teach you to grow weed so you dont have to be poor and can get laid by hot chick just b/c you have money idk thats a good idea we should start a fund to buy you grow equipment to be able to get out of poverty
07-03-19 22:24:47
dugmonkay ::: Favorites
did you eat paint chips as a kid or what?
07-02-27 22:20:22
ladyluvbuds ::: Favorites
07-02-26 06:00:27
kendobck420 ::: Favorites
07-02-21 18:30:30
Dillboy ::: Favorites
OMG smoke another one dude
07-02-06 18:38:59
jefriboy ::: Favorites
hahaha..amen u rock bud!
06-12-12 18:04:34

nina simone - my baby just cares for me

Duration: 04:39 minutes
Upload Time: 06-12-28 11:16:16
User: pluisje666
:::: Favorites


72903 ::: Favorites
Why wait Dixie50?? Show it to him now so he can enjoy it like we do. It's sweet...
07-08-22 01:07:44
Dixie50 ::: Favorites
lovely. I am going to play this for my husband on <b>Fathers Day</b> (1st Sunday in September in Australia )
07-08-19 19:34:34
Dixie50 ::: Favorites
lovely. I am going to play this for my husband on athers Day. (1st Sunday in September in Australia )
07-08-19 19:33:00
merrydown123 ::: Favorites
lol aww its brilliant lol thanks for posting
07-08-18 22:07:47
andrearoutley ::: Favorites
I have watched this video so many times now; this is adorable! i love the expression on 'high tone places'!
07-08-18 13:17:41
xhelt ::: Favorites
lovely stop motion animation
07-08-18 07:22:21
DamonDial ::: Favorites
Well, I must say it IS amazing how the YouTube service has become a seemingly complete repository for such an incredible array of art, talent , and "interesting et al."... Hey why didn't I think of that?
07-08-18 04:47:13
72903 ::: Favorites
This makes my heart sing......
07-08-16 14:01:08
s1e ::: Favorites
07-08-16 08:17:33
kisarae ::: Favorites
funny sweet
07-08-13 12:59:08
Jonk0love ::: Favorites
ninaaaaa :)
07-08-12 08:16:24
jmilojevic17 ::: Favorites
07-08-11 17:10:42
KiIIerbunny ::: Favorites
its great!
07-08-11 09:55:58
scottishthistle1 ::: Favorites
great. ardman r amazing arnt they.
07-08-11 09:33:20
quanhof ::: Favorites
nice :) my bodyguard just cares for me :D
07-08-10 15:02:06
giusmet ::: Favorites
il jazz per antonomasia
07-08-09 16:22:15
malenkah ::: Favorites
Mama mia! guarda cuanta bellezza!!
07-08-06 18:40:58
thomasking55 ::: Favorites
[hits REPLAY]
07-08-06 14:01:47
crissbb74 ::: Favorites
nina é massa!!! uma presença marcante em minha vida
07-08-04 22:23:52
MattJBroadhurst ::: Favorites
she looks like my cat Zagazig & the boy is like Jeffa my brother & sister in laws cat.
07-08-04 05:38:31