Saturday, December 1, 2007

Re: Mines bigger... The cup that is...

Duration: 00:3 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-07-24 12:20:01
User: barmer479
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Video Cam Direct Upload


MooseDavesVideos ::: Favorites  2007-07-24 12:42:06

Mindbe ::: Favorites  2007-07-24 19:27:12

LOL i just made a video about my cup stuck to the floor, i dont think ill upload it though.
barmer479 ::: Favorites  2007-07-25 16:59:33

you should upload it God Bless
MsGirlee ::: Favorites  2007-08-02 11:24:07

BIG CUP, alright!
barmer479 ::: Favorites  2007-08-02 11:32:14

hahaha holds one pot of coffee lol
MsGirlee ::: Favorites  2007-08-02 12:01:31

Phila7x ::: Favorites  2007-08-03 00:30:25

LOL. This just made my night =]
barmer479 ::: Favorites  2007-08-03 02:53:39

thank you, Thank you :)

Rappelz Music Video

Duration: 04:28 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-02 22:29:26
User: Jamiroquai2172
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This is a cool vid I made using clips from Rappelz and using clips from the video of "Mr.Jones" by The Counting Crows. I hope you like it!


Mike Nichols speech and others @ Meryl's AFI Award

Duration: 03:54 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-06-21 17:47:32
User: kskelt
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Mike Nichols gives his speech at Meryl Streep's AFI Lifetime achievement award ceremony in 2004, followed by other's that (I guess) couldn't be there on the night.


ewlalah ::: Favorites  2007-06-22 03:01:03

very touching speech from Mike Nichols. LOVED IT ... thank u very much !!
Ivulienka437 ::: Favorites  2007-06-23 14:34:49

Thank you for posting this!Mike is fantastic director, and like we all knows he´s also friend of Meryl and he directed few of her films,included Angels of America, beautiful miniseries.
Ivulienka437 ::: Favorites  2007-06-23 14:36:24

I really like Mike Nichols. He´s fantastic director, and also friend of Meryl
markie909 ::: Favorites  2007-09-03 01:46:55

Great tribute by Mike Nichols, famed Director and let's not forget his wit and humor as 1/2 of NICHOLS and MAY, before his days as a Director, Mike teamed with Elaine May and made some fantastic comedy albums and appearances. The two sides of Mike Nichols!
ellenfan473 ::: Favorites  2007-09-10 06:55:46

He not only directed such films like The Graduate, Working Girl, and the Birdcage. But he has also directed Broadway plays and musicals like Spamalot.

dancing maika/andrew

Duration: 00:24 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-08-12 18:38:17
User: egyptiansushi
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at kiva han what


Kung-Fu Tricksters

Duration: 03:09 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-06-13 06:33:05
User: HugoFTorres
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Amazing kung-fu tricks


rheydtwestmoruk ::: Favorites  2007-08-01 14:34:47

aweesomme !!!but tony jaa dont do kung-fu..^^
jordache123777 ::: Favorites  2007-08-21 01:34:52

tony jaa does muay thai
Shcy ::: Favorites  2007-08-22 12:46:27

OMY GOSH!!!!!!! O.O cool.......
ShihabHunter ::: Favorites  2007-08-27 06:59:55

HAHAHAHA!!! THE HELL 1:01 its like throwing a game in a car lol i bet his head got away from his body:P but it was super cool!!!
DaniUTE ::: Favorites  2007-09-01 13:19:58

nananaaaaa, mi ez az energia-tultenges /termeles????
shsfthtrs ::: Favorites  2007-10-25 01:03:22

nice howed u noe
fedeZ2 ::: Favorites  2007-10-27 13:23:48

roflmao that stupid guy that kept jumping out of stuff lol
kwak89 ::: Favorites  2007-10-31 16:34:01

last men give double backflip!!! huuuuu
HotCaliGirl1765 ::: Favorites  2007-11-04 19:23:33

Nice Video, check out the website link in my profile. I have my naked pics and video which youtube doesn't allow, where I'm being naughty
bloodybanger ::: Favorites  2007-11-17 13:19:46

tony jaa did the protector and ong bak thai warrior that man studies Muay Boran which is an ancient more vicious style of muay thai folks

Fnac - Rencontre avec Geronimo Stilton

Duration: 04:59 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-05-22 06:07:57
User: fnac
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La célèbre souris de Sourisville en dédicace à la Fnac


Toše Proeski Moja

Duration: 04:04 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-16 06:06:52
User: rokpaprika
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Posnetek nastopa s Pesmi poletja na TV Paprika. Njegov zadnji nastop v Sloveniji.


LondonParis16 ::: Favorites  2007-10-21 10:59:45

Toše upam da ti je lepo, kjerkoli že si. :( pogrešamo te.
littlebunnyBuba ::: Favorites  2007-10-21 11:22:07

... vedno nas predčasno zapustijo ravno tisti, ki so življenje dejansko živeli in, ki so bili preprosto... najboljši.
TiaTimea ::: Favorites  2007-10-21 12:25:28

Takšnih ljudi je res škoda, dober po srcu in neverjetno talentiran... Toše počivaj v miru
nas7a ::: Favorites  2007-10-22 02:47:49 sej poje slovensko bolše kot kater kol slovenc!!...počivaj u miru, Toše! in hvala za vse lepe pesmice ki si nam jih pustil..
xGallianoxbiatchx ::: Favorites  2007-10-22 09:05:37

Ne moram gledat večine posnetkov, ker takoj jokat začnem. R.I.P. Toše. Neka ti je večna slava </3
tEjChHa ::: Favorites  2007-10-22 09:31:49

:( prou ne morm vrjet da ga ni vec.. :( nonstop gledam njegove videospote & poslusam pesmi.. jooj k j meu ta tip lep glas.. pa naj se kdo rece da je zivljenje fer:( </3
yustagirl ::: Favorites  2007-10-22 12:40:03

toše naibolši si nikoli te ne bom pozabila REST IN PEACE...toše ostal boš v naših srcih za vedno...why is life so unjustly???=(
HonEyKaa ::: Favorites  2007-10-22 13:50:56

pogrešamo te:(
78145295 ::: Favorites  2007-10-22 16:57:54

Toše,prvič,ko sem te vidla na odru,sem vedela, da si nekaj posebnega. V tvojem nasmešku sem čutila iskrenost,toplino,prisrčnost. Izžareval si nekaj zelo posebnega,skozi petje in tvoj božanski glas pa se je čutila ta tvoja karizma. Toše je pustil sled v ogromno srcih, pri njem smo začutili iskreno, pozitivno energijo, ki se je pretakala skozi Toševo petje, pesmi in dejanja.Vse dobro je poosebljal prav Toše. Zato ga tako neizmerno pogrešamo!:( *
serenity2505 ::: Favorites  2007-10-23 06:09:02

Nebo ni več daleč.. Ti zdaj šteješ zvezde.. Mislimo,da si še vedno tu..Čas nam mineva počasneje..Nismo se vdali..Blizu tebe za vedno bomo ostali..
skoru7 ::: Favorites  2007-10-23 08:49:55

Toše legenda...R.I.P.
plamenika ::: Favorites  2007-10-23 10:08:57

Nekaj posebnega je bilo v tvojem pogledu. Nekaj kar ni mogoče opisati z eno besedo. Tvoje oči so povedale več kot miljon besed. In ti si jih za večno zaprl. In tvoj žametni glas, ki je rušil meje, združeval ljudi vseh starosti in narodnosti. In zdaj je za vedno utihnil. In tvoje srce. Skromno in velikodušno, vedno na razpolago za zapuščene, nesrečne in bolne. Srce, ki je bilo z našimi srci. A zdaj ne bije več. Dokler živimo boš živel z nami, v naših srcih.
skopje762 ::: Favorites  2007-10-24 00:16:48

puno hvala svima iz Slovenije, Tose je uvek porucivao: "Sve vas volim !!!" , a ja vas sve pozdravljam iz Kanade...
katjes13 ::: Favorites  2007-10-24 12:40:19

hvala ti da si posnel pesm tudi u slovenščini.. sam zakaj te ni več?? negre mi u glavo,da te ni več... R.I.P.
matohhh ::: Favorites  2007-10-24 15:09:57

R.I.P :((

Zola magic

Duration: 00:15 minutes
Upload Time: 2005-12-12 19:55:42
User: sparky165
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Skill vs Liverpool!


suppish ::: Favorites  2006-05-21 09:38:26

Simply amazing. Best blues player ever.
cobainlives ::: Favorites  2006-05-31 13:02:36

zola was a true blue
deptford ::: Favorites  2006-05-31 15:04:11

The Italian Maradona. Best foreign player. Gullit got that one right :O)
philyburkhill ::: Favorites  2006-06-01 10:05:55

Peter Crouch is better.
nogudnamesleft ::: Favorites  2006-07-21 05:27:48

peter crouch lol
italy87 ::: Favorites  2006-08-07 23:29:33

Grande Gianfranco!Forza Cagliari
100millioneuro ::: Favorites  2006-08-16 18:07:12

did ye see that 'pool fans..that was zola runnin rings around ye..i wonder how many times he could nutmeg crouch in a say 100-200
AKJY ::: Favorites  2006-08-18 05:41:16

peter who?.. you must be kidding me... CRouch is god woeful rubbish... the only reason peter crap is scoring is because he was well fed by .. Peter crap doing a Zola? Not even in 100 million years..
Fearghal27 ::: Favorites  2006-08-18 23:18:43

it was a joke u stupid glory a real team
hahahaha2000 ::: Favorites  2006-08-26 07:39:31

zola is maradona's formal student. he learnt most skills from maradona.
cmc1811c3 ::: Favorites  2006-09-29 07:49:15

peter crouch is the new zidane, look at his goal against galatasaray, he is a genius!!
8karimi ::: Favorites  2006-10-01 15:03:12

no way is crouch going to be ever like zola, let alone zidane. fearghal27, chelski are russian moneybags now, but you don't need to be a fan or a glory hunter to admire the little magician.
rockinfreakapotamus ::: Favorites  2006-10-15 03:20:55

zola is wad football is about
kidfurious ::: Favorites  2006-11-20 14:03:59

fuck peter crouch dawg
bucket34 ::: Favorites  2006-11-20 14:32:03

He put Carragher on his arse twice in five seconds. Franco, simply the greatest. ZOLA 25 forever.

Tania Derveaux - Bom Chicka Wow Wow - DJ Huk Remix

Duration: 03:27 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-27 02:07:37
User: aarohazel
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Music video of Bom Chicka Wow Wow Tania Derveaux featuring the song No Diggity remixed by DJ Huk.


joffy007 ::: Favorites  2007-11-27 13:17:07

you are so fine
crazyboll7 ::: Favorites  2007-11-28 16:00:01

omg perfect =/
basruttenX ::: Favorites  2007-11-28 18:24:06

ATHENE WINS! period.
AniliLotus ::: Favorites  2007-11-29 22:25:28

God bless you, Tania.
Lifeiis ::: Favorites  2007-11-30 02:22:01

Such a babe.
philorsophi ::: Favorites  2007-11-30 15:01:04

So true.
Zealock ::: Favorites  2007-12-01 08:46:20

from what video they are in the bed ? LOL
marvolotom ::: Favorites  2007-12-01 11:33:49

saliva production at maximum

Ac Milan & Sevilla - Super Cup 2007 and trophy ceremony

Duration: 05:41 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-01 10:44:00
User: asienkap
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Ac Milan & Sevilla - Super Cup 2007 final and and trophy ceremony


azorekg ::: Favorites  2007-09-01 11:28:07

very gooooooood!
milanello81 ::: Favorites  2007-09-06 12:58:10

milan for ever
onur53 ::: Favorites  2007-09-07 09:01:10

R.I.P puerta
turik5225 ::: Favorites  2007-11-15 18:04:07

R.I.P PUERTA... I think you were pleased of seing your last name on everyones t-shirt from heaven... P.S.:nice video

me singing out of reach

Duration: 03:09 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-04-09 06:10:20
User: YonnaBonnet
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me singing out of reach by gabrielle.


akbrunette ::: Favorites  2007-04-09 14:13:27

you've got such a pretty voice :) xxxxxx
YonnaBonnet ::: Favorites  2007-04-09 14:42:57

thankyou very much :)
lydiemilo ::: Favorites  2007-04-12 05:34:46

Beautiful voice...
da3sexy3kitten ::: Favorites  2007-04-15 09:28:43

good xxxxx
5275275275275 ::: Favorites  2007-04-25 23:50:10

Hey girl! yeah your good! a little like "Esmee" please make more eye contact! people need it! oh!! keep singing!
zeboczulu ::: Favorites  2007-05-08 16:23:29

yu gonna be a star!
gabrielle233 ::: Favorites  2007-05-17 09:36:49

hello you r so pretty can we be friends?pls
gabrielle233 ::: Favorites  2007-05-17 10:18:56

very good voice! i love you really... :-)
leoporpeta ::: Favorites  2007-06-11 04:21:23

coolllllllllllllll !!!!! goodddddddddddddddddd
kikibx ::: Favorites  2007-06-17 13:49:16

Amazing Voice =] x
man12301982 ::: Favorites  2007-06-20 15:41:27

:) lovely, keep them coming, keep them coming!
pseudoprinzessin ::: Favorites  2007-06-29 10:01:03

great job! where did you get the instrumental version?
tiggerpoohmol ::: Favorites  2007-07-02 12:20:07

really good
lseligmann ::: Favorites  2007-07-06 22:28:05

yodelqueen ::: Favorites  2007-07-11 16:29:48

I love this song,, and I love the way you sing it ;) good job :D

Sesshy and Kikyo

Duration: 03:56 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-05-15 21:18:42
User: yuki11101
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is kikyo's death and revival and sesshy extras yes


ShaininguAoiTsuki ::: Favorites  2007-06-06 19:51:16

Yay! I know this song by heart and I love this vid!!! KikxSess forever!!! KikSess rules! (well...sorta! ^^) Song is In the End by Linkin Park Nice vid! ^^
yuki11101 ::: Favorites  2007-06-06 23:07:42

thanks i have more videos of them together check it out >_<
FatesWrath ::: Favorites  2007-08-03 19:46:00

ima stop saying that i hate Kikyo and only say that this is a good vid "I Sesshoumaru have no one to protect." that just BS lol!
yuki11101 ::: Favorites  2007-11-30 20:06:43

** If enough people sign this online petition Rumiko Takahashi (Owner of Inuyasha) will make more episodes of Inuyasha!!!! Come on its super easy, at least check it out, u can even make up a name to sign it. Pleas help save Inuyasha!!!!!!!!! Go To... gopetition DOT com/petitions/inuyasha DOT html (send this around, copy and paste people !)

womens natural rights, besides freedom of ideas and *speech*

Duration: 11:37 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-30 23:28:19
User: ernesto3712
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*when doesn't goes against God*. my favourites web sites are: favourites web sites:
