Sunday, March 30, 2008


Duration: 01:10 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-03-04 17:06:09

This is Meko- my sugar glider. He is the cutest!!


adverageguy  2008-03-19 16:39:34


Adolfo Needs Some Lovin'

Duration: 01:09 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-11-13 21:27:37

Adolfo needs some lovin'. Visit for more info from Toucher and Rich on WBCN in Boston.

The Original Post-it Note Car 14000 sticky notes on a Jaguar

Duration: 02:40 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-01-18 23:13:53

I posted some photos of our practical joke on flickr and the story took off -- appearing all over the world including on this ABC World News profile. Search on flickr to see all the photos, and please, do not reproduce them without attribution or permission.


quakerwildcat  2008-03-28 11:44:47

@I wonder what the guy did when he saw his car!??!! >> the whole story is on the flickr site
improright  2008-03-21 17:17:43

sooperdude1992  2008-01-18 08:48:09

thatd be cool driving and watching them all fly off lol
sheldonsims  2007-10-21 18:56:55

Scott Ableman deserves a meal at the Upper Crust for his artistic vision!!!
flyingace15  2007-10-01 18:03:41


AFI - Live in Montreal (March 23rd 1999)

Duration: 02:20 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-19 17:55:26

AFI performing live in Montreal for the Snojam festival back in 1999. Visit if you are interested in getting the full concert on dvd!


ButterKnifeLtd  2008-03-21 01:25:36

why did they have to change?
Bartsam  2007-12-31 17:18:20

KimieDF  2007-12-21 15:31:01

that is badass!!! thanks for uploading

Larry Lewis Moon - Get Around To It

Duration: 04:49 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-06 03:15:46

After hearing the wife go off over and over, it can drive a man... to inspiration. I wrote this song, with just such inspiration in mind.


LarryLewisMoon  2008-03-12 13:17:05

Thanks much Rudi!
kampi48  2008-03-09 08:48:47

yeah, cool song ...... rudi
LarryLewisMoon  2008-03-07 07:08:17

Well thank you! And judging from my weight, I roll like pastry! LOL!
mvtp47  2008-02-12 14:10:22

Larry, you rock like Geology!

Bleach Manga Chapter 316 Spoilers - RAW

Duration: 02:15 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-03-26 21:39:57

Bleach Manga Chapter 315 Bleach Manga Chapter 315 Bleach Manga Chapter 315 Bleach Manga Chapter 315 Bleach Manga Chapter 315 Bleach Manga Chapter 315 Bleach Manga Chapter 315 Bleach Manga Chapter 315 Bleach Manga Chapter 315 Bleach Manga Chapter 315 Bleach Manga Chapter 315 Bleach Manga Chapter 315


seikoXchan  2008-03-29 20:35:10

Well, yeah, it's a prank video... but still. It's a bit... over-the-top. And kinda freaky at the end. How many videos are you going to make of this fake stuff, 'cause people are bound to catch on sooner or later...
FatherOldManJenkins  2008-03-29 16:08:01

Hahahaha! You don't put periods at the end of your sentences because they "slow you down". If people used your pretentious logic - Einstein wouldn't have discovered even half of what he did ;)
FatherOldManJenkins  2008-03-29 16:06:07

It's pronounced "dick" - My guess is that you've sucked so many you can hardly spell coherently xD
FatherOldManJenkins  2008-03-29 16:04:58

C'mon. Your hardly in the position to be telling me that my reading skills suck. Learn to spell - it makes reading your lethargic comments a bit more easier ;)
FatherOldManJenkins  2008-03-29 16:03:14

Lol, it's a prank video that you've chosen to both watch repetitively and to comment as well. How am I responsible for forcing you to watch this fake video? Unless, you enjoy 2 minutes of creativity ;D

micheal jackson is black & back

Duration: 04:19 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-04 19:53:16

just a fan of mike


krazypat91  2008-02-23 15:23:37

lol really well that means alot
Gr33nBob  2008-02-22 19:51:51

lamalamalamalama. *continues laughing for a decade*. that was really awesome patricia. such talent maaaan wish i had it
krazypat91  2008-02-14 21:56:39

thanks mjnats
krazypat91  2008-02-14 21:56:18

mjnats  2008-02-10 14:14:08

haha yr wicked blood lol


Duration: 00:26 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-03-10 23:54:30

THE CLIQUE Searching for our relatives. MAIN CAST: ~dolly ~lonely ~walau ~young ~queen CAMERA-GIRL: ~Lurve ENJOY!


brittanyfuckinsalter  2008-03-12 07:05:44

I don't see what's so funny.

Monkey, Monkey

Duration: 01:07 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-03-10 10:56:15

new song for gary



Duration: 00:18 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-03-05 18:55:34

one of the girls son from 2 girls 1 cup watches and finds out what his mom realy does..... poor kid
