Saturday, September 8, 2007

Bassam Haddad Protests Qana Massacre

Duration: 04:07 minutes
Upload Time: 06-09-16 23:48:45
User: liamh2
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On July 31, 2006, there was a demonstration in front of the State Department, in Washington, D.C., to protest the Israeli invasion of Lebanon and its terror bombing of the village of Qana, which slaughered 56 civilians, most of them children. Activist Bassam Haddad, with the group. "Stop U.S.-Tax Funded Aid to Israel," (SUSTAIN), was at the rally. He is featured in this video.

caksmomn ::: Favorites
wow she's on tv. amazing. i bet she saw a lot. i'm sorry she had to go through that, though i bet it's made her stronger. God bless. :O)
07-07-28 05:34:06
alfabravo68 ::: Favorites
Hey Bassam, nice to see you again through this video, you didn't change a lot still the same, try to email me if you want, Best regards, Rony A.A. ( Netherlands ) alfabravo at casema dot nl
07-06-22 19:26:14
richardmanny ::: Favorites
thats my mom with the pink paper
07-04-07 13:55:21
B0baFett ::: Favorites
my father was there too....
06-10-01 21:29:45

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