Friday, September 7, 2007

Lazytown Steph - Outer Space

Duration: 02:45 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-29 23:02:02
User: Downstryke
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The English-language version of Outer Space, (or Galaxy), featuring that cute little pink person from Lazytown, Stephanie. (I DLed a copy of this video from the previous upload of it before it disappeared.) For some time after I first spotted pictures of her on various web sites, "cute little pink person" was all I knew to call her. I remember seeing Lazytown in TV guides, but knew nothing about it, so I didn't make the connection. It's kind of hard to research something when you don't know what it's called. Once I learned she was from Lazytown, I hopped from Google to Wikipedia to YouTube, and that was my introduction to both Stephanie and YouTube!

Downstryke ::: Favorites
They look brown to me. Think they should make her up with pink contacts? Probably not. She freaks out enough people already.
07-09-04 01:32:19
DanoruX ::: Favorites
Hottest 16 year old on the planet...
07-09-03 11:55:39
TheLazenby2 ::: Favorites
talking about someone's eye color doesn't make them "pedafllic" or whatever you said... besides, you don't know how old people are, some of us are actually close to her age!
07-08-15 16:00:37
juliannarox ::: Favorites
at 1.05 i think she looks crazy!
07-08-15 09:27:28
juliannarox ::: Favorites
hang on cos i think she looks as tho she cood kill anyone who dares 2 look at her but if u pause it at 00.31 she tries 2 look harmles again
07-08-15 09:24:10
juliannarox ::: Favorites
wat do u meen cos as she gets lder the puppets kinda start 2 look different as if there trying 2 make them look older 2. i dont no if lazytown is now finished but i think they cood make a last one wen stephanie has 2 go home again or something.
07-08-15 09:18:30
networksoutheast ::: Favorites
at 00:30 she looks pissed off
07-07-13 16:32:03
networksoutheast ::: Favorites
how old was she when this was shot?
07-07-13 11:52:14
networksoutheast ::: Favorites
I agree with Hexum19 XD
07-07-13 11:50:45
adamsmmns ::: Favorites
sorry by the way in the last comment i ment if ur over 18
07-06-27 15:53:40

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