Wednesday, April 9, 2008

John McCain Red Phone TV Ad

Duration: 00:44 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-03-03 01:55:13

Your children are safe in bed. It's 3am and a phone is ringing in the White House. Something is happening in the world. Who do you want answering that phone? The person whose campaign ad scares the absolute bejesus out of you that's who. John McCain - Scarier than Democrats. Update: The little girl sleeping in the ad (it's stock footage Clinton used for her ad) is now 17 and a big Barack Obama supporter. See her here,


SEDsed929  2008-04-07 00:27:12

The White House doesn't make the decision to go into war, congress does. Right now congress is dominated by democrats who want to get out of war. I just don't know why they don't pull out. They have the majority, right?
fluteman999  2008-04-05 14:02:29

We went in because the White House lied.
arevolutionofone  2008-03-13 03:41:36

We went in because of oil. Because the administration is full of oil men. We knew there were no WMD. The adminstration could give a crap about the Kurds that got gassed by Saddam. We gave him the WMDs they gassed Iranians with when he was fighting Iran. There's an humanitarian crisis in Darfur where many more people are dying, we could give a shit. We went in for oil, that's all. We know it. The world knows it.
SEDsed929  2008-03-12 21:55:19

We went in because of Saddam Hussein. He attacked many people with nerve gas once and we did not want him to use any weapons that would harm innocent people. We didn't find any weapons of mass destruction but we played it better safe than sorry. It's horrible to say this but this war has been in its 5th year and it's not the biggest war. We've only lost 3,000 at most and thats a relatively small number. The media blows it out of proportion and it's the soldier's risk that they take. God bless em
arevolutionofone  2008-03-12 01:44:24

The attack against our country cam from Afghanistan. Most of the attackers came from Saudi Arabia. Al Qaeda was not in Iraq until we got there. The Taliban was not in Iraq. How did it make any sense at all to attack Iraq? It is the worst foreign policy decision in the history of this country. It's Viet Nam all over again. We had good will from the Middle East and the world after 9/11. Now we have lost it all and made new enemies. How was invading Iraq good?

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